personal shopping & styling

Shopping for clothes often sends people into a panic and they describe the experience as one they hate – it doesn’t have to be like that! A successful shopping trip, like any worthwhile enterprise, has to have a plan.

Before we set foot inside a shop, we will have an open and honest discussion about your lifestyle, any areas of your figure that you have found difficult to fit in the past, how you would describe your style, and what items of clothing you think you need. This is where having completed a wardrobe appraisal beforehand is invaluable.

Armed with the information from our discussion, prior to the shopping date, I formulate a broad plan of retailers, brands and destinations that I think would suit your particular needs. This is how we get the most value out of the time we have together, because we have a shopping framework mapped out.

Generally the best shopping destinations are areas when there is large concentration of a variety of fashion retailers – I find Chadstone Shopping Centre and the CBD are best. Depending on your personal preferences, other shopping destinations might be targeted and this is open to negotiation.

The rates quoted cover my travel time and expenses within the Melbourne Metro region. For regional areas, additional charges may apply.

Feel free to contact me using the form below.

9 + 10 =

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